"Where you see challenges, I see potential for profound healing and transformative growth!


At the heart of my practice is the profound joy of transforming my clients’ most challenging struggles into remarkable successes. By working together, we tackle and  alleviate health issues like fatigue, joint pain, sugar cravings, and mood swings.


From effectively lowering stubborn cholesterol and blood sugar levels to enhancing gut health, recalibrating and harmonizing hormonal levels, and  stabilizing immune responses that aggravate autoimmune conditions, by working together, I help my clients unveil the power of a personalized, holistic approach in elevating their life in ways they might never thought possible!"


-Dr. Rox

However, before we embark on your transformation journey, it's crucial to gain clarity on the root causes hindering your progress, especially when your current approach may not be yielding the results you need.


Together, we will identify the specific targeted nutrition, including plant-based supports, behavioral adjustments, and movement medicine strategies that will not only address the areas of your health that are most stuck or frustrating but also ensure these improvements are sustainable long-term, tailored just for you.

Let's Get to The Root! Book A Therapeutic Clarity Consultation Here!

5 Reasons Gaining Clarity on Root Causes Is Essential for Your Health

  1. Direction Through Diagnosis.

    Identifying the underlying physiological reasons behind your health challenges is crucial. Clarity on these root causes allows you to tailor a personalized strategy and action plan that directly addresses these issues, paving the way for effective and sustainable health improvements.

  2. Prioritization of Efforts.

    Understanding the foundational issues affecting your health prevents the common mistake of adopting generic or misaligned solutions, such as inappropriate types of exercise or diets that don’t suit your specific needs. With clear insights into your unique health challenges, you can prioritize the most impactful interventions, reducing frustration and enhancing focus.

  3. Reduction of Confusion and Frustration.

    Gaining a clear understanding of what is actually causing your health issues helps eliminate the guesswork and confusion that often accompanies health management. This clarity facilitates a more focused and structured approach to healing, significantly reducing feelings of being overwhelmed and enhancing your capacity to manage and improve your health.

  4. Overcoming Doubt with Precision.

     When you understand the specific factors stalling your progress, you can confidently address them. This knowledge dispels doubts that arise from repeated failures or generalized advice that doesn’t work for you. Clear, targeted understanding replaces uncertainty with actionable, informed decisions, boosting your confidence and commitment to your health journey.

  5. Motivation from Understanding.

    Clarity on the root causes of your health struggles is empowering and motivating. Knowing exactly what issues to address and how to tackle them transforms a daunting journey into a series of achievable steps. This understanding inspires action, propels you towards health goals, and ensures that each step is effective and purposeful.


Embracing CLARITY on the root causes not only simplifies your path to wellness, but ensures that every effort is optimally aligned with your body’s needs.

Therapeutic Clarity Consultation with Personalized Care Plan & Food Is Medicine Meal Plans


  • REVIEW your health history with a focus on the physiological issues that are contributing to your symptoms.

  • Review of the current strategies you are using to manage your condition/area of health concern.

  • Review your biggest challenges & strengths to healthy living.

  • IDENTIFY what you may be overlooking that is sabotaging your progress such as:

    • Physiological issues related inflammation, digestion, and hormonal imbalances.
    • Foods you assume are healthy, but may not be ideal for you due your root cause issues.

    • Exercise habits that could be backfiring because of the stress they induce on the organs responsible for what your body does with food.

    • Medications and supplements that you assume are healthy, but could be causing doing more harm, than healing.

    • Behaviors such as stress and sleep that are compounding the issues.

  • RECOMMEND actionable steps you can take in the areas of nutrition, exercise, & mindset, to level up your strategy and make it more effective.

  • While most recommendations are shared during the call, a complete personalized Care Plan detailing all recommendations with links will be accessible through an online HIPAA compliant health portal within 3-5 business days after the call.
  • 3 Food is Medicine Done 4 U Meal Plans with a weekly meal map overview, step by step recipes, and a matching grocery list will be included with your Care Plan.
  • Consultation is conducted using Zoom for face to face communication. 
I Need Clarity! Book Me!

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Age 45+

"I had a Toxic Belly  all that time….. OMG!  I am happy to share that changing my eating did help me get off of the diabetes pill now I'm only on the injector once a week. My cholesterol is lower than it's ever been. Actually, I started having to take it every other day because it was too low.had a Toxic Belly 6 all that time….. OMG I happy to share that changing my eating did help me get off of the diabetes pill now I'm only on the injector once a week. My cholesterol is lower than it's ever been. Actually, I started having to take it every other day because it was too low."

Age 70+ 

"I was down 13lbs this morning but that's not the good news. The good news is that the swelling in my legs & feet was down to normal & no diarrhea. Some swelling returned as the day progress but no pain or discomfort & nothing comparable to the last 6 days. This is amazing! I am so pleased that the car is on it's way out of the ditch!"

Age 45+ 

"Finally went to see another doctor and paid out of pocket. My Thyroid and a few other issues came up. YOU WERE RIGHT!

No matter how tiring or frustrating it can be, KEEP HELPING PEOPLE. Your exposure and knowledge will change generational curses. Love you to life!"

Age 55+ 

"Hi Dr. Rox! Just want to say hello and let you know I am still focused. I feel better each day. I am down 22 lbs with 15 to go. 

I am exercising regularly and eating from the grocery list. I can't believe I am still losing weight and inches! Thank you for introducing me and coaching me to a healthy lifestyle!" 

I'm Ready! Book Me!