Where my clients see struggle, I see an opportunity for healing & transformation!
"What I love most about what I do, is that I take my clients' greatest struggles, and turn them into transformations that not only result in attainment of their weight & fat loss goals, but also stop or reduce health ailments such as fatigue, joint pain, sugar cravings, mood swings, and more! Everyone who trusts me to be a part of their weight-loss journey, ends up healthier with a body they can be 'happy naked' in!

BUT... before that transformation can begin, we must get clear on what root cause issues are stalling YOUR progress.
We must get clear on what foods, what adjustments to behavior, and what types of exercise will work to get the scale to move, and keep moving for YOU!
Let's Get to The Root! Book A Clarity Consultation Here!

5 Reasons Gaining Clarity Is Important
When Losing Weight
1. Clarity gives you direction.
If you do not identify the root physiological cause(s) of your stalled weight loss, you cannot choose a strategy and plan that is RIGHT FOR YOU.
2. Clarity makes it easier to prioritize.
So many people jump right into exercising or eating what they assume to be "healthy" and oftentimes can do more harm than good when they have other physiological issues stalling their progress.
Gaining clarity allows you to prioritize, which in turn will keep you FOCUSED and lessens that overwhelming feeling most experience when starting a new "diet" or plan.
3. Clarity eliminates confusion and frustration.
Finally you have identified the root cause of your struggle AND prioritized the health behaviors you need to focus on to start healing & stop dealing, AND reignite your fat burning power, naturally the frustration that comes with feeling overwhelmed and being confused by what to do and where to start will lessen significantly.
This is the power of gaining clarity before embarking upon transformative journey such as weight-loss.
4. Clarity helps you overcome doubt.
Once you are CLEAR on what the root cause of your stalled weight-loss is, prioritized what needs to be done for you to begin igniting your fat burning power, are no longer confused or frustrated, the doubt you may have felt in the beginning, likely due to failed attempts in the past, will begin to wane.
Why? Our doubt can be fueled by anxiety around not knowing where to start, what to do, and being inundated with tips from self-proclaimed social media experts.
Once you have answered what, when, where, and how's of YOUR weight/fat loss struggle, the clarity you gain allows the doubt to wane!
Hey, that rhymed. :-)
5. Clarity inspires action!
Lack of motivation is often caused by a lack of clarity. So instead of spending time trying to figure out why you are not motivated, spend time getting clear on what the root cause is so that you can prioritize your next steps...this is when everything will begin to fall into place.
AND when we gain a clear sense of direction, minus the cluttered thoughts regarding the what's, when's, why's, & how's of weight-loss, you are inspired to take action because you are no longer paralyzed by your confusion, frustration, doubt, and lack of knowledge regarding why losing weight is so hard for you.
Clarity Consultation with Personalized Care Plan & Food Is Medicine Meal Plans
80% of this charge will be deducted from the purchase of a REV ME UP Fat Loss Program should you decide additional support is needed beyond our Clarity Consultation. Must be enrolled within 14 days of the consultation.
I Need Clarity! Book Me!
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Age 45+
"I had a Toxic Belly all that time….. OMG! I am happy to share that changing my eating did help me get off of the diabetes pill now I'm only on the injector once a week. My cholesterol is lower than it's ever been. Actually, I started having to take it every other day because it was too low.had a Toxic Belly 6 all that time….. OMG I happy to share that changing my eating did help me get off of the diabetes pill now I'm only on the injector once a week. My cholesterol is lower than it's ever been. Actually, I started having to take it every other day because it was too low."
Age 70+
"I was down 13lbs this morning but that's not the good news. The good news is that the swelling in my legs & feet was down to normal & no diarrhea. Some swelling returned as the day progress but no pain or discomfort & nothing comparable to the last 6 days. This is amazing! I am so pleased that the car is on it's way out of the ditch!"
Age 45+
"Finally went to see another doctor and paid out of pocket. My Thyroid and a few other issues came up. YOU WERE RIGHT!
No matter how tiring or frustrating it can be, KEEP HELPING PEOPLE. Your exposure and knowledge will change generational curses. Love you to life!"
Age 55+
"Hi Dr. Rox! Just want to say hello and let you know I am still focused. I feel better each day. I am down 22 lbs with 15 to go.
I am exercising regularly and eating from the grocery list. I can't believe I am still losing weight and inches! Thank you for introducing me and coaching me to a healthy lifestyle!"